Jaclyn Dunne went viral in mid March, as she spoke her mind on the COVID-19 Crisis and government actions. One Facebook Live video was watched 2.4 million times, and she woke up one morning to 121,000 followers to her personal page!

Why? Because she offered a fresh of breath air. She decided to speak out against a number of illogical inconsistencies and fear-based manipulations in the media, and others found solace in her courage and leadership. They had a safe place to share their non-popular concerns.

Since then, Jaclyn’s has created a go-to platform where she and others share insights on the COVID-19 pandemic that you don’t get to see through mainstream channels. With incredible engagement, Jaclyn’s leadership is met with a lot of love and appreciation.

By background, Jaclyn is a holistic health practitioner and nutrition coach, as well as best selling health and wellness author. She has a diploma in nutrition and hypnotherapy and is a member of the CHEK institute. She founded the Mind and Body Detox programme, where she helps hundreds of people to live a healthier and happier life. 

In this episode, you’ll hear about Jaclyn’s dramatic health and career journey, as well as getting insight into her contrarian personality and the effect this one video had on her life. And then… we get deep into all things UK COVID-19 and the many many issues with how the government, media and public are handling it.

This discussion is grounded in deep data, scientific and political insight, however the discussion is up levelled to observations and conclusions vs getting deep into numbers, biology and science.


Check out the Full Show Notes of What’s Discussed - https://adapnation.io/139-jaclyn-dunne/


The #BeYourBest Journey : https://adapnation.io/beyourbest-journey/ (£10 coupon BESTYEAR-2020) 



Where to find JACLYN DUNNE & her resources:

▪︎ Personal Social Media - Facebook & Instagram 

▪︎ Jaclyn’s Facebook Viral Video - 2.4M views 

▪︎ Website (wellness) - http://www.mindandbodydetox.co.uk/ & Facebook 

▪︎ Book - Mind. Body. Miracle.


Referenced Content:

▪︎ COVID-19 Face Mask Science & Sanity 

▪︎ Vaccine Book - Dissolving Illusions

▪︎ Simon Dolan - entrepreneur who took the government to court 

▪︎ SAGE documented guidance on COVID-19 coercive manipulation  




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