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February 7, 2010 – Matt. 7:15-23 – Win!

The success or failure of a baseball team is not measured just by ACTIVITY but by achieving the GOAL - having the most players cross home plate.

Did you catch that principle? Success is not measured by activity but by achieving the win.

If your team’s players don’t cross home plate it doesn’t matter how beautifully the individual players played, or how hard the team worked, or how great the camaraderie on the field. Everything is measured in light of the win.

So what is OUR win? What is our win here at Chestnut Street Baptist Church?

How do we know we’ve been successful?
Where is our home plate?
What scoreboard should we be looking at to determine whether or not we’ve won?

Because there is a difference between a lot of activity – no matter how good that activity is - and achieving a win.

What is OUR win? The win in light of which all our other activities might be MEASURED and towards which all of our activities should MOVE us?