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January 31, 2010 – Simple – Matt 11:28-30; 22:36-40

While the skeletal system might not be the most important system, the structure that the skeleton gives to the body is necessary for the overall functioning of the Body. The structure of the skeleton allows correct functioning and growth of the other more important systems of the body

Structure is NOT the most important thing, but it IS important because it allows our bodies TO DO the most important things.

Why the anatomy lesson? Because what is true of the Human Body is true of the Body of Christ.

Our church is engaged in a process of evaluating our church’s structures: First, HOW we are organized governmentally; Secondly, HOW we are organized for ministry. Is this because the leadership thinks structure SO important? NO!

My friends, this is because what we DO is SO important that we want our structure to allow us to do it to our very best!