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November 23, 2008 – 1 Tim 1:17; 6:15-16 – Thanksgiving

As often happens in Paul's writings, when he begins to dwell upon God and re-tells the story of Grace – the story of Jesus Christ - he often breaks into doxology and thanksgiving (cf. Rom. 1:25; 9:5; 11:36; 16:27; Gal. 1:3-5; Eph 3:20-21; Phil. 4:20; 2 Tim. 4:18)

Good theology should always lead us to doxology.
Theology (theo - God & logos - words) words about God.
Doxology (doxo - glory & logos - words) words of Glory.

Right words about God should always lead to praise and giving glory to God.

Twice in the short letter of First Timothy, Paul breaks into hymns of praise - both times, these hymns of ecstasy praise pour out as he reflects upon Jesus Christ.

And so today - this Thanksgiving Season - we reflect upon what God has done, how he as provided, all that He has given and we too give thanks.

Most importantly we, like Paul, remember what God has done for us in Jesus Christ – and we are eternally grateful.