November 16, 2008 – 1 Timothy 5:1-6:2 – House Rules - from the series: "Watch Your Step: A Study in First Timothy."

In chapter Five of First Timothy, Paul reminds the church at Ephesus of the House Rules. As Paul wrote in 3:15 - the church is God’s Household. So when you're in God house - in His family - you play by His rules.

We remember that the household at Ephesus was in disorder, wrought by the false teachers and the wayward leaders whom Timothy had been left to silence.

For Timothy must help the church at Ephesus "Watch Its Step." For many have already been spiritually, theologically, emotionally injured by the landmines of falsehood laid by these false teachers.

In God’s Household we play by House Rules - and here we learn that House Rules say: show RESPECT to all.