As a coach, consultant, business owner, or entrepreneur you’re doing everything you can to boost your online presence. But something’s not working - your video content.

In order to separate yourself from the crowd and connect with your dream clients or customers, you’ve gotta create video content that’s unique and high-impact.

But HOW?!

In this episode, you’ll learn six tips to creating videos that build an audience, increase authority, and convert to your offers.

First, start with these practical tips to add an extra *oomph* to your videos:

☑️ Maximize as much natural light as you can [3:01]
☑️ Invest in a (not-so-expensive) microphone [3:20]
☑️ Switch up your background for more variety [3:48]
☑️ Make sure your background is nice and clean [4:06]
☑️ Change up your hairstyle [5:07]

Finally, use my 6-Step Video Script For High Engagement and Conversions…

Key Takeaways:

📹 Strong hook that speaks directly to your audience and stops them from scrolling and grabs their attention
📹 Juicy promise that outlines what they should expect to learn and is easily implementable
📹 Call to action that makes them incentivized to stay ‘till the end
📹 Quick intro of who you are and where you add credibility
📹 Deliver the content - make it short, sweet, actionable and tangible
📹 Reloop the promise and give them the opportunity to take the next step through the CTA

Additional Resources:

6-Step Video Script For High Engagement and Conversions (PDF)Scale your offers with Facebook™/Instagram™ paid ads:

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