Lauren and I chat about:


-how she went from the imposter syndrome and saying “I wish I could do that” to believing she was a real runner and putting herself out there consistently


-how she got out of the comparisonitis game with running-seeing what her body can do vs focusing on her size


-balancing a busy and exhausting teacher life with self-care- surprise! The job never ends, there’s always more to do, you never feel ENOUGH, so you HAVE to do something for yourself.


-valuing yourself just as you are- we can create multiple layers to our identities, but they can also easily be taken away from us- YOU ARE ENOUGH JUST AS YOU ARE


-dealing with the emotions with pregnancy and miscarriage- feeling, at times, betrayed by her body and feeling strong again with running


Lauren and I are both online teachers and mentor new teachers through the hiring process. If you have a Bacherlor's degree in anything, you can apply!


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Struggling with healthy eating this new year? Checkout my free guide to eating more veggies:


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