These are interesting times we are living. In March all of our lives were disrupted. As states open up and the film/tv industry tries to find a new normal, I wanted to know what fellow creatives had been doing to stay creative during quarantine. In the next several episodes you will hear from actors, a school receptionist, a poet, and a teen. Each of them giving some insight into how they dealt with quarantine and the loss of their normal routines.

In today’s episode I talk to my friend and fellow actor, June Dare. She has always been involved in artistic endeavors, whether it is singing in choirs or with her sisters, acting in and co-producing theater productions, as well as appearing in several film, TV, and commercial works. With in-person events being shuttered June turned back to writing and singing with her sister in Nashville.

My second guest is actor and friend, Rodney Williams who used his downtime to study films more closely and try his own hand at writing, specifically in the thriller genre.

My last guest on this episode is a familiar one, Burgess Jenkins. Instead of imparting pearls of wisdom about the craft of acting he talks about trying his hand at a completely new creative endeavor: cutting hair.

Enjoy part II of Creativity in the time of COVID.

If you want to chat or ask questions about the episode go to FB: and visit the group page.
Follow me on IG @tarmeydanielle, on Twitter @TarmeyDanielle

Find out more about June Dare
@actorjunedare on IG
Actor June Dare on FB

Find out more about Rodney Williams
@_noexcuses_begreat on IG
Rodney Williams on FB

Find out more about Burgess Jenkins
@bjenkins34 on IG