In the final installment of my conversations on how people stayed creative during the time of COVID, I spoke to Dr. Joseph Mills, Charis Jeffers, and Noelle Mills-Tarmey.

Joe Mills stated creativity looks a lot like wandering, but what he’s really doing is collecting material. He says the creative person has to, “be willing to let yourself have leisure to collect the material to be able to work with it.” For him there is a distinct difference between creativity and productivity. It is important to separate the two as the pressure to be productive can stifle the creativity.

For Charis, my second guest, it was important to keep working. As she says, “I need to be in that creative space so that I don’t lose that mindset.” The many monologue challenges offered by casting directors gave her an emotional outlet. It helped that there were deadlines attached, otherwise she claims she would never have completed any of the challenges and writng opportunities that were offered.

When Noelle responded to my question, I thought it would be interesting to get the perspective of a teenager going through this. According to her, writing letters, making lists, creating a YouTube channel were activities that helped keep her mind of the fact that she was stuck at home on her own (well, with her parents).

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Follow me on IG @tarmeydanielle, on Twitter @TarmeyDanielle

Find out more about writer and poet Dr. Joseph Mills
Follow on IG @josephrmills

Find out more about Charis:
Follow her on IG @carrots_jeffers
