I recently traveled to Scotland and the journey took me to Rosslyn Chapel. And I am so excited that I can share with you what Rosslyn Chapel really is.

In this episode, I share the journey that I took in the Rosslyn Chapel that gave me the divine design activations. I talk about the structure of the Rosslyn Chapel, why you can harness the divine energy from it, and the synchronicities throughout different points of the planet. I also share my thoughts on becoming our divine selves, right out of the image of God.

Are you ready to activate your divine design and expand your capacity to receive the divine energies? Check out the Rosslyn Code activations below! And if this episode resonates with you, make sure you leave a review, share it on social media, and connect with me on Instagram or Facebook.


“I started to feel that what it was doing was shifting my own energetic current to be in a new alignment.”


Listen to the Episode:

What are the Rosslyn Chapel and the ley lines?

God's creation of our earth, the seven sisters, and the synchronicities throughout the planet.

How does the structure of the Rosslyn Chapel help harness the divine energy?

My journey and activation through the Rosslyn Chapel.

Becoming aligned with our divine human design from right out of the image of God.

Why does being in our natural highest forms work in terms of manifesting abundance?

The new Eden of the new Earth.


Links Mentioned:

The Rosslyn Code - Activate your new human template & expand your capacity to receive through your divine masculine and feminine! https://soulwealthcoaching.thrivecart.com/the-rosslyn-code/
Join the Activate Community here: https://soulwealthcoach.pages.ontraport.net/Activate 

Join the New Code Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thenewcodeglobal 

Connect with me on Instagram @thenewcodeglobal 

Connect with me on Facebook at Corrina Steward, Soul Wealth Coach

Check out more Activate Your Wealth Podcast Show episodes here: https://quantumwealth.libsyn.com/