As I was about to leave after activating portals, I got the hit - Abundant You! I quickly wrote a new powerful masterclass, and I am excited to share it in this episode!

I want to share the shifts that you may feel in yourself that will want you to activate the abundant you and embrace your wealth consciousness. I share three steps that will take you to the most abundant you and help you access that version of you that is overflowing with abundance. You will also get a short but powerful activation that will open your heart to the most abundant you!

Are you ready to embrace and activate the abundant you? Share your thoughts with me by leaving this episode a review and connecting with me on Facebook or Instagram.


“When you are on a path, which is that soul path, that calling that is in your heart, that heart of service, you have got to have wealth consciousness locked in.”


Listen to the Episode:

How this topic came to me while I was in the portals.

What are the shifts you will go through to activate the abundant you?

Step 1: What are the questions asked in your inner dialogue? 

Step 2: How do you clear limitations for good?

Step 3: How do you accelerate the abundant you?

A short but powerful activation to activate the abundant you.


Links Mentioned:

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Connect with me on Instagram @thenewcodeglobal 

Connect with me on Facebook at Corrina Steward, Soul Wealth Coach

Check out more Activate Your Wealth Podcast Show episodes here: