Actions and Limits interviews Cidney Corpuz, owner of Hat Yoga.

Cidney Corpuz, founder of Hawt Yoga at 2nd & PCH. 2020 marks 9 years teaching yoga in Long Beach. Community & Brand Uniqueness: We have a massive culture of students, which includes Long Beach residents. In a city full of choices of gyms and yoga studios, our strong uniqueness comes from the tagline is “Culture & Community”. We believe our studio must not simply provide (1) yoga, but diverse offerings such as (2) self-defense and (3) weight training (especially to the elderly).

Our focus since our inception is service to the community. Duty & Service to the Greater Good: I come from a long lineage of US Navy veterans. From my father and his brothers, our family has over a century of combined service to our nation. We chose to break ground at the CenterCal development: 2nd & PCH because of the “wellness destination” concept. We want to provide a facility that serves Long Beach residents, as well as visitors, to feel a sense of community.

We are the smallest local homegrown business within 2nd & PCH center, yet believe we have the greatest potential to truly serve the greater good.

Intro video to Hawt Yoga:


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