Actions and Limits interviews Michel Ogston about how we are all one decision away from changing our lives. 


Michele Ogston is an empowerment and transformational coach!  She holds certifications as an intuitive life coach and is a certified meditation & mindfulness teacher. She works with her empath and like-minded people, to empower them to break the patterns that have been holding them back to create an authentic life filled with purpose and meaning. 


Her mission is to spread the word that you’re just one decision from changing your whole life. She truly believes life isn’t about being happy all the time, but about learning how to navigate the more challenging times a little easier. After experiencing her own loss through the death of loved ones and a painful divorce, she decided to turn her pain into passion and helps people navigate life a little easier.


In addition to coaching clients 1:1, Michele is also an executive contributor writer for Brainz magazine. She runs the  Empath Support Group, where she provides a safe place for Empaths to find comradery so they can learn, and share with each other.  She owns Cloud 9 Life Coaching in Northern California, where she lives with her husband, children and fur babies. You can connect with her on:  Facebook , Instagram, or LinkedIn or visit her website: Cloud 9 Life Coaching.



Keeping taking those Actions and destroying those Limits.