Actions and Limits interviews Jeremy Quant, a business owner and artist who believes in sharing art through building relationships.


Jeremy Quant is a Visual Art & Tech entrepreneur. He began his career as a story artist in animation and transitioned into a commercial Art and Design business, which he still operates today.


His new venture is a Virtual Art-tech company, Dot Red, a platform for artists, galleries, and museums that allow an artful conversation to be created through audio, or simply put “a community podcast for art.” Some of his clients include UNESCO, Airbnb, LYFT, Magic Johnson, and Los Angeles County Museum of Art.


He’s a student of development and achievement, always interested in excelling personally and professionally, regularly involved in leadership training, fitness, and book listening. Something you wouldn’t know by the first glance is he loves to dance, especially in pitch blackness, his version of escaping reality, and feeling the rhythm and movement in his mind.


Find Jeremy and DOT red at


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Keep taking Actions and destroy those Limits.