Paul and Justin are joined by Alexander Fleiss.'s CEO Alexander Fleiss has spoken about Artificial Intelligence Investing in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Fox News, BusinessWeek, Bloomberg News, MIT Technology Review, Yomiuri Shimbun, Wired, Geo Magazine, The Economist and Institutional Investor. Chapter 24 of Wall Street Journal Reporter Scott Patterson's book Dark Pools is on Mr. Fleiss.

Mr. Fleiss teaches at Cornell Financial Engineering, has guest taught at Amherst College for over a decade and Yale School of Management for 4 years. Prior to co-founding, Mr. Fleiss was a Principal at KMF Partners LP, a long-short US equity hedge fund co-managed by John Merriwether of Michael Lewis' Liars Poker. Mr. Fleiss began his career managing an Amherst College-funded Ai research project, then as an analyst & programmer for Sloate, Weisman, Murray & Co which was acquired by Neuberger Berman. Mr. Fleiss developed investment algorithms with the firm's CEO, Laura Sloate who is now a partner at Neuberger Berman and one of the investors featured in Peter Tanous' book Investment Gurus. Mr. Fleiss received a BA Degree from Amherst College

Find Alexander on his website


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