How can marketers leverage social media to influence search engine optimization (SEO) and boost their content? Social media does and does not influence organic search performance for content.

Today’s guest is Dmitry Dragilev is a public relations (PR) and SEO expert from Criminally Prolific. Dmitry talks about what he knows based on what Google does, what works in the industry, and what works for himself and his clients. He describes how to leverage social media to drive short- and long-term SEO gains and amplify your content through channels. 


Some of the highlights of the show include:

Remember: Social signals are not used by Google for ranking purposes Why? Too much volume/information to go through; Google can’t index everything What ranks? Getting your brand reputation and recognition on social media Google indexes social media content when assets are used to share information Simple Idea: Get people to share content w/ other people to find and link to it No Shortcuts: Google always keeps quality content at the top of search results Relationship Building: Help people bring value to people, then they will help you Two Things: To rank on Google, your need epic content with links and traffic



Dmitry Dragilev on LinkedIn Dmitry Dragilev on Twitter Criminally Prolific PR That Converts Course StoreYa Best Alternative to WordStream Nextiva - Most Reliable VoIP Provider? Matt Cutts Matthew Woodward - Unhealthiest Foods Inspiyr How Many Users Does Clubhouse Have? 40+ Clubhouse Stats HubSpot Andrew Warner Nigel Stevens Google Page Insights Ahrefs How To Drive 10x More Traffic With This SEO Technique From Brian Dean Of Backlinko [AMP082] Ben Sailer on LinkedIn CoSchedule


Quotes from Dmitry Dragilev:

“Social signals are not used by Google for ranking purposes. I think that's really important to remember. If you are trying to think about that or trying to rank that Google will not use those social signals to rank you.”

“Your brand reputation, your brand recognition, and getting that out there via social media do indirectly impact your rankings.”

“Those assets, which are going to be linked to from many different pages, many different sites, and used in all these different posts, that's where I think the gold mine really lies with sharing information on social that people can use in all sorts of different avenues.”

“The name of the game should be spending time and money to create quality, engaging content. I think that is worth every penny. Whether it works well on social media or organically, it should probably be both.”

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