As we talk more and more about race relations, there are some questions that often come up:

What is an ally?

Can anyone become an ally? Or do you have to be from a dominant group to do so?

Do organizations need to have minority ‘quotas’ to be seen as inclusive? Or is that just token allyship?

Can newcomers to Canada and Indigenous people have something in common?

What does it mean when a person of color (POC) is asked: ‘Where are you *really* from’?

And most importantly…

What should you do if you witness racial aggression?

Meet Uswah Ahsan, founder and Executive Director of Ally Squared. Listen to her answer these questions and what prompted her to start her nonprofit at the age of 21, and how her team hopes to dismantle racial inequities.

Want more resources on learning about social equity? Here are some of Uswah’s recommendations:

And of course…

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