From the land of Ertugrul - a 24-year-old Turkish woman came to Toronto to learn English. The rest, as they say, is history.

Filiz Ozmisir is a registered nurse, who also happened to co-found Refugee Girls Worldwide.

Why did she start this initiative?

Filiz challenges us to rethink when we hear the word ‘refugee’. With over 30 million refugees on the planet today (and 17 million of them being only underage girls), she wants you to understand the lived experience of those on the receiving end of this term. The reality, she believes, will change your perceptions forever. Remember, she says, how we ourselves reacted when the pandemic first broke out.

Listen in as she talks about her journey, her Turkish roots, Ertugrul, and of course her passion project.

For more information you can check out these resources: (For Rabia Khedr’s cause)

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