What does it take to beat THOUSANDS of contestants and get in the MasterChef Canada kitchen- one of the most beloved food show franchises on the planet?
How do you compete on a cooking show when your faith mandates certain diet restrictions?
Is Egyptian cuisine more than just Shawarma and Falafels?
And why does no one ever talk about postpartum depression?!
Reem Ahmed came to Canada as a high school student 11 years ago. She navigated her cultural identities to find who she was.  After completing her engineering, getting married and having a baby, she realized she wanted to do something else. She picked cooking and there has been no looking back since.  Being on Master Chef Canada (Season 5) helped her to explore her new found love for cooking but also the ugly realization that she had been silently suffering from post-partum depression. Listen in to hear her journey through this all to become the much loved Instagram chef she is now.
You can check her on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chefreemahmed/?hl=en

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Music credit:  'Storybook' by Scott Holmes & 'Once Upon a Time" by Audiobinger