"What does your Ontario health card do for you? Does it REALLY have all your health data? 

Is Canada more ready for health data reform than its neighbor?

Could Toronto become the next Silicon Valley?

Will the pandemic change workspace culture forever? 

Are tech companies inclusive enough?"

There are so many questions that we have and so we invited Huda Idrees, CEO, DotHealth, and she had some really interesting answers! 

Huda came to Toronto as a student from Saudi Arabia. She is now at the forefront of the Toronto Tech community. She was recently ranked as one of the MOST INSPIRATIONAL women of Toronto (2019- trnto.com). Her company is revolutionizing how Health care data works in Canada. Imagine if there was a way to have ALL your health information : from doctor's notes, to lab results, to medical imaging,  to vaccine records -securely in ONE place? Huda Idrees' company is doing just that and transforming how things work. This young CEO has been covered by major news networks and has also advised the federal and provincial health ministries on strategy. Tune in to hear her talk about the gaps in the system and her immigrant roots. 

For more details check: @hidrees on Twitter | www.hudaidrees.com | www.dothealth.ca

-For her book recommendation:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Is_Beautiful

Do send in your comments or feedback about this episode by tweeting them to @acrosshertable or e-mailing them at [email protected]  or send us a voice message at http://www.anchor.fm/acrosshertable/message

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Music credit:  'Storybook' by Scott Holmes & 'Once Upon a Time" by Audiobinger