Very simply, we help anyone who wants to buy a business, buy a business. 

In other words, we are helping future CEOs become the leader of their new business and ultimately, become the CEO of their life in the process, or existing CEOs buy additional businesses to leverage growth by acquisitions. 

If you follow me it is likely because you fall into one of those categories. 

Moving forward into 2022 we are going to be focusing on bringing like minded people together to collectively advance our businesses and lives. 

The communities will be 

#1. Investors: One of our goals for 2022 is to raise a capital fund to deploy into profitable and established small businesses that are run by our next community, the CEOs. 

We came across so many deals that it was a no brainer for us to put together and feed a pool of investors who are looking to diversify their investments. 

Every month we are going to conduct Q&A calls, with guest speakers, mentors and case studies for investors to network and grow. 

#2. CEOs: This group is already well established and we will continue to host our bi-weekly Q&A calls. 

#3. Scouts: The third community we are establishing in 2022 to support the overall vision is our Scout program. Scouts are people who maybe are brand new to the world of acquisitions and want to start out by just getting their feet wet and going through the process with the support of us and our communities. 

Scouts will be tasked with finding deals and given all the tools, scripts and softwares to help them succeed. In the past we have paid multiple 6 figures as referral fees if the business makes sense, so there is a great opportunity to learn while doing, while also making money in the process. 

We covered all this and more exciting developments in our Live M&A Strategy Call you can check out here.