In this episode, we're talking to Yury Byalik from Onfolio, Head of Strategy & Acquisitions. He handles all the deal flow, finds the businesses for sale, reviews them for due diligence, then makes the acquisitions.

Onfolio is a holding company that basically acquires and runs online businesses. Over the years, the company's business model has changed slightly, initially helping investors to acquire and manage the business for them, and only about a year ago they began making acquisitions on their own.

They used to acquire content-related websites and shifted their strategies after a while. Now, they are mostly interested in productized service agencies, SaaS products, and digital products.

Podcast Highlights:

Yury explains why finding opportunities for a good deal is a difficult job?
Tell us about his team and whether he plans to expand it.
He talks about how their management style can win deals even when they aren't the most competitive on price.
Explained why it is important to speak with the seller first to know their needs before offering them different models.
What are their current focus and ideal size of businesses to acquire?
Yury talks about what happened to IncomeStore Fraud and how their company started dying.
He shares some of their success stories at OnFolio.
What are the biggest challenges they face in the industry?
As a Head of Strategy and Acquisition of Onfolio, Yury shares some of the challenges he addresses and identifies with his team, as well as how they overcome them.
What is in store for Onfolio in the coming year?
In this market, Yury shares some advice for buyers and sellers.

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