In this episode, we have Chris Shipferling and Jason Somerville Managing Partner at Global Wired Advisors.

Global wired advisors started about two and a half years ago. Founded by three other partners of Global Wired Advisors, Jason Somerville, Joe Hogg, and Chris Bodnar. They want to bring to this part of the market a process that mimics what you would normally get out of a traditional investment banking process, and the idea is happening, the proof of concept has already taken place.

They love working with business owners and small business owners, and they enjoy watching them go through one of the largest liquidity events of their lives.


They describe the difference between an advisor and a broker.
How does their company add value to its clients?
In what way do they structure their fees for those who wish to sell their business? Do they offer consulting services?
Explain the process and the key verticals they consider when assessing prospects.
How are metrics different for different types of business?
Recommendations for buyers during this Covid time and any outlook for the next year?
Share what is the halo effect happening because of this pandemic.
Explains the opportunities from a buyer standpoint in the market to potentially take advantage?
Referred to the new SBA program and explained the changes.
Explain the two main types of loans that are being issued at the moment. The first is a PPP loan and the second is economic disaster aid.
An overview of the buy-side search capabilities at their firm.
The company's website has a section for acquirers with a set of questions segmented for all their buyers.

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