This is yet another very challenging concept that is so hard to accept.

What this lesson is teaching is that the world - and other people - cannot victimize us. One of the more popular lines in the Course is this: "Beware the temptation to perceive yourself unfairly treated." And then it goes on to say, "You cannot be unfairly treated."

Clearly we experience ourselves as being unfairly treated. We have plenty of examples and lots of people who will agree with us.

But that's the point of grievances - their purpose is to keep us mindless. To keep us looking for solutions in the world: by trying to make other people or situations change.

When we recognize how this works, we can begin the undoing process. There's a line in this lesson that reads, "The inner is the cause of the outer." In other words, what's going on in our mind is what causes our experiences out in the world.

So if we want to change how we feel, then we need to return our awareness to our mind, and make the choice against victimization and instead make the choice for peace.

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