Going through life has taught us plenty about grievances. All the times we’ve been trampled by the world can leave us weary.

Bank account not where we’d like it to be. Bodily health not ideal. Family challenges that seem to regularly persist. Relationship problems. Fear or anxiety about the future. Anger or regret or shame over the past.

The list goes on and on.

Just when one problem seems to be solved, another one quickly takes its place.

But what we’re missing is this: our pain is not coming from all those things going on in the world and our body. Rather, our pain comes from holding grievances.

Consider this line from A Course in Miracles: “He who holds grievances denies he was created by love.”

It might seem very hard to believe, but letting go of grievances in our mind returns us to a place to peace.

And a helpful thought to remember is this: our goal is not be without grievances - that would be nearly impossible for us as bodies in the world - but rather, our goal is not to have any [grievances] that we want to keep.

So the next time we catch ourselves in the grip of fear or pain, we can remember our connection to infinite love and say to the grievance, “No thank you - I don’t want to hold on to you any longer.”

And then we gently let it go.

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