What's up, Achievers?! We just had Dr. Jacob Harden in town this weekend for his Prehab101 workshop - definitely go give him a follow @dr.jacob.harden!

In the first question, we delve into when and how you should increase weights during strength training. We also talk about how this apply in a HIIT class situation as well (3:18).

Next, we answer a question from someone who wanted to know what supplements (if any) she should be taking if she's experiencing achy joints for the first time. (9:17).

Lastly, we address how to go about breaking through training plateaus! We think you'll get a lot out of this one so make sure you stay tuned! (16:05).

We hope you enjoyed this episode! If you did, we'd love you forever if you left a rating and review on iTunes - it seriously helps us out a lot! Please DM us @achievefitnessboston on Instagram if you have any questions you'd like us to answer. Until next time, Peace, Love, and Muscles!

Jason and Lauren