Guest Star
Jennifer Scott

Bakersfield, California
Compton Jr. High, Bakersfield City School District
Classroom teacher
English, history, yearbook, @JenTechnology [email protected]
Google Innovator with #MEX16, Google Innovator Coach #MEX18, and Google Innovator Mentor with #BRZ17, #MEX18 #LON19. Jennifer is competing the 59 Days of Code Project. Wish her luck!

Luis Pertuz

Barranquilla, COlombia
Colegio Marymount
Technology Integrator

Google Certified Teacher (1&2)
Google Certified Trainer
Google Certified Innovator #NYC19

Federico Centeno

Barranquilla, Colombia

Google Certified Teacher (both levels)
Google Certified Trainer
Google Certified Innovator #MEX16

Dr. Mark Wagner

Ph.D. Educational Technology
CEO EdTechTeam

ACEd Topic

Chris Walsh from WestEd in connection with CUE & Mike Lawrence
Raising awareness about Google
Top ideas were The Infinite Thinking Machine Show and Google Innovator Academy
EdTechTeam joins lead learner and coach
Colors instead of creative teams
Before Google Apps recently acquired Blogger
The first (1st) Google for Education Certified Innovator Academy was in California November 2006 under the name Google Certified Teacher Academy
Dr. Wagner, Director of Google Teacher Academy
Application Process
Applications evolve from cohort to cohort. Make a copy of the new questions as soon as they are released.
There used to be long presentations and formats and paperwork
Then a 90 second video
Now it’s a 60 second video
The application is scored by coaches and Innovators using a rubric. Follow the directions to the tee. Jen’s mistake with #TOR16 was using the same answers she almost submitted for #COL16. Read carefully!!!! (I saw someone submit for NYC and SWE with practically the same video and didn’t get in; Adam Juarez with #SYD17 changed one line on his application)
Do NOT give or even hint at a solution in your application or video. If you already know the answer, then why go to the 3-day Academy? Focus on the problem and be open to solutions at the Academy My mistake was talking about the solution I envisioned for #MEX18.
How Might We statements must be crafted, they have to express the problem without being overly long.
What have you done to sets you apart from others?
Being innovative doesn’t come through the academy it comes from you, the academy helps.
This is more of selling personality
Show your passion, when talking about something innovative that you implemented in your work/whatever write it to show what YOU did... don’t write about what the school did, talk about YOUR role. YOU are the one applying, not the school.
A presentation is not Innovative. As an EdTech bigwig to guest blog for them. Have two totally separate examples of your work with the EdTech community
How much do you interact and share with the edtech community? Start now. The number of follows on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook is less important than what and how often you share, discuss, and collaborate.