Well, we're finally here. We're at that chapter in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix where Sirius is hit by a curse and disappears into the Veil at the Department of Mysteries. Someone give Adri all the tissues, please and thank you.   When we read this chapter, we had very different takes on what the politics of the chapter were. Helene talks about how this chapter is about the politics of loss of innocence, while Adri talks about the politics of an ambush. We also discuss our listener's responses to last week's episode's question: What room would you like to go into in the Department of Mysteries?   Support our independent podcast by becoming a Patron for as little as $2/month:  www.patreon.com/acciopolitics. Patrons get access to bonus content on every episode. This week, we continue our conversation about mothers in the wizarding world. This week, we talk about the iconic Professor Minerva McGonagall and how maternal figures don't necessarily have to have children of their own.

Well, we're finally here. We're at that chapter in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix where Sirius is hit by a curse and disappears into the Veil at the Department of Mysteries. Someone give Adri all the tissues, please and thank you.   When we read this chapter, we had very different takes on what the politics of the chapter were. Helene talks about how this chapter is about the politics of loss of innocence, while Adri talks about the politics of an ambush. We also discuss our listener's responses to last week's episode's question: What room would you like to go into in the Department of Mysteries?   Support our independent podcast by becoming a Patron for as little as $2/month:  www.patreon.com/acciopolitics. Patrons get access to bonus content on every episode. This week, we continue our conversation about mothers in the wizarding world. This week, we talk about the iconic Professor Minerva McGonagall and how maternal figures don't necessarily have to have children of their own.