What links the neuroscience of love, the embracing of failure and the pheromones of trees?  Adam Hamdy, novelist, screenwriter and sense-maker in an increasingly non-sensical world shares ways to be the best of ourselves, and help others to reach the same place.

Adam Hamdy is a novelist, screenwriter, advisor-to-ministers (not that they necessarily listen, but that's their loss) and soon-to-be author of a book on the neuroscience of empowerment - how we can do it and why it's essential.  Our conversation ranged from Phytoncides (yes, but trust me, it's fascinating), to the neuroscience of love, and - as ever, what we can actually do, to make a difference in the world around us.


Adam's site: http://www.adamhamdy.com

Ligandal site: https://www.ligandal.com

Crime Time list of best novels - featuring Adam's Black 13  https://www.crimetime.co.uk/the-best-novels-and-novelists-on-the-great-crime-fiction-debate/

The paper on CoronaVirus - https://freemarketconservatives.org/were-at-war-with-an-invisible-enemy-heres-how-we-fight-it/

Humanity Rising: https://humanityrising.solutions

Health Benefits of Phytoncies: 





