Welcome to Accessible Housing Matters!


In today’s episode, I welcome Mark Feinman


Mark was born in 1953 and grew up in New York.  He has been tinkering, inventing and building since childhood.  He connected with the Berkeley disabled community in 1976 and has been working continuously with the Berkeley Center for Independent Living (TheCIL) since then.  His company Complete Access provides custom accessibility solutions allowing people to live barrier-free in their homes.  The majority of his firm’s projects involve stair access, wheelchair access and bathroom access.  Mark lives and works in Berkeley, California, and people visiting his shop there can go for test rides on stairlifts.


Listen to find out more about:


[00:01 - 04:42] Opening Segment

I welcome Mark Feinman to the Show Bio Mark talks about what he works with Complete Access Construction When Mark first started in accessible housing Always wanted building and cooking


[04:43 - 26:13] Modifying Homes for Access… a 45+ Year Legacy

Helping hundreds of people Accessibility modifications that Mark work with Ramps versus vertical lifts Nonconstruction Solutions to Try Accessible housing contractor versus general contractor Consulting, sharing knowledge and experience Are there contractors hired by people with disabilities? How Mark’s industry has changed Get in a Wheelchair: A Masterclass on Housing Modifications Mark’s Greatest Creative Effort The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADEA) Why Mark does not like commercial What Mark will do with a magic wand to make the world better Creating a Standard Around Accessibility Housing


 [26:14 - 28:02] Closing Segment

See links below to know more about Mark Feinman Final word

Resources Mentioned:

Just One Step


Tweetable Quote/s:


“I really like my access to not look like access.” - Mark Feinman


“There’s no way you could build for everybody.” - Mark Feinman


You can connect with Mark through [email protected], Complete Access Construction, and Documentary about Miya Rodolfo-Sioson

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Accessible Housing Matters is dedicated to raising awareness about important issues around accessibility and housing, and getting conversations going. I'd love to learn more about what's on your mind, and get your feedback about the show. Contact me directly at [email protected] to share your thoughts or arrange a call.

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