Welcome to Accessible Housing Matters!


In today’s episode, I welcome Sheraden Nicholau 


Sheraden Nicholau is the Regional Manager for the CA State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD), covering the Bay Area region. SCDD uses advocacy, capacity-building and systemic change to support Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.


Sheraden has held both lead and individual contributor roles in cross-sector and intra-industry advisory committees, task forces, and collaboratives, effecting change in inclusionary practices, policy and legislation. Previously in her career, Sheraden has served as an associate executive director for a nonprofit service and advocacy organization. She has received her MA and BA in Sociology, focused on social justice, social capital, and human services. Additionally, she has completed two levels of California’s POST Law Enforcement Instructor certification.

Listen to find out more about:

[00:01 - 07:21] Opening Segment

I welcome Sheraden Nicholau to the Show Bio Sheraden talks about what SCDD is all about and her role Civil rights, equity, and opportunity


[07:22 - 11:21] Advocating for Accessible Housing

How to Advocate for Accessible Housing The Buckets of Community Housing Overcoming Barriers Physical barriers Attitudinal barriers All of that is still not enough at all


[11:22 - 17:56] Making a Difference in Accessible Housing

It Made a Difference, Positive and Not Impacting One Person at a Time Involving and Engaging Others Sheraden shares a story involving TCAC “Many advocacy groups, they jumped into action” Increase Accessible Housing Units! California Tax Credit Allocation A Really Big Win: Hear Our Voice, Give Us Our Rights


[17:57 - 23:46] Accessible Housing Challenge

“Housing is in such short supply in California” People want to live in their own place Sheraden talks about The Lanterman Housing Framework The State Council and Coming Out of the Institutional Setting “It’s important to separate housing from services.” “Services aren’t specifically tied to housing.”


[23:47 - 30:09]  Representation Makes All the Difference

Inclusivity and Opportunities for Inclusive Housing “All Californians should have the opportunity to choose.” Higher levels of representation in leadership and power in a snap of a finger With diversity comes strength, creativity, and stronger outcomes “Disability is a part of the human condition.”


[30:10 - 33:31] Closing Segment

See links below to know more about Sheraden Nicholau Final word

Resources Mentioned:

California State Treasurer's Office Lanterman Housing Framework


Tweetable Quote/s:


“We believe that folks with IDD and their families should have opportunities to be included in all aspects of community living, community change, and policy. ” - Sheraden Nicholau


“It’s all about finding ways for people’s voices to be heard.” - Sheraden Nicholau


“Accessible housing for many people means affordable housing.” - Sheraden Nicholau

You can connect with Sheraden through [email protected] and visit www.scdd.ca.gov and start your partnership journey with them and make a difference!

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Accessible Housing Matters is dedicated to raising awareness about important issues around accessibility and housing, and getting conversations going. I'd love to learn more about what's on your mind, and get your feedback about the show. Contact me directly at [email protected] to share your thoughts or arrange a call.

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