Julie Treanor (@domesticexec) has worked in "HR / leadership" (people focussed areas) at all levels of the corporate ladder but recently decided to stride out on her own and found herself in Wellington's BizDojo surrounded by "startups". Through a number of workshops, sitting down with people and listening she discovered that the differences in challenges were ones of scale not content.

Julie has recently started her own business, Just Lead, set-up a woman-focuses mentoring service (Triple Twist) Natalie Sisson, and works with CreativeHQ within their Lightning Lab programs.

We have a cracking discussion about the many facets she brings to the work of "helping people get the best out of themselves" ... pop it in your ears now.


We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!

Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.

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