It's always awesome when we have people back to share their ongoing stories and with Vaughan catching up with Jenene Crossan (@Jenene), founder and CEO of  and winner of the 2016 Most Inspiring Individual at NZ Innovation Awards, that's exactly what we have*

Vaughan and Jenene discuss the changes that have happened, the growth in the company and the challenges therein. They also discuss how important it is, as founders and CEO's of young growing companies, to take time to look after oneself, a lesson we can all take on-board.


We share the stories from people that work in New Zealand tech, social media, startups. If you have a story or know someone that does - get in touch!

Mike Riversdale (@MiramarMike) background is explaining stuff, connecting people and getting things done. Raj Khushal (@nzRaj) background is in video, design, media and making things happen.

All our past shows are on our website

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