Physics Friday

Muon g-2
The experiment webpage, and some extra videos and links to the Seminar can be found here.

Brandi's @sciartbro instagram account
Arts at Cern, and their instagram account.
The College of William and Mary's Virtual Mural Conservation Challenge.
Toni Feder's piece in Physics Today

The Martian Helicopter
Check out Nasa's website for All things Ingenuity.

Thanks for checking us out!
The Accelerated Physics Podcast is a production of the Pasayten Institute, whose mission is to build and share physics knowledge, without barriers. This podcast aims to serve both students and teachers of physics by injecting ideas, starting conversations. Have any ideas or feedback? Drop us a line:
This show is made possible in part by the Physics Accelerator, whose mission is to support people in the quest to learn mathematics and physics. The Physics Accelerator is a program of the Pasayten Institute. Music today by Particle House. The show is written, editing and produced by me, Sean Downes. Thank you so much for listening.

You can always find us online at: