Physics Friday

Majorana Particles : The neutrino may well be a Majorana fermion, experiments are currently underway. In condensed matter, many folks are hot on the trail of a quasi Majorana fermion. A recent claimed observation has been retracted. Science is messy. Check out Thomas Lewton's article on the subject.

Xenobots : Check out Doug Blackiston’s research website on xenobots, and Philip Ball’s recent piece in Quanta.

The Coma Cluster : Bruce McClure has a write up in EarthSky this week about hunting the Coma Cluster. The cluster has a rich history in modern astrophysics; it was one of the first case studies in Dark Matter. As Fritz Zwicky pointed out way back in 1933, the motion of the galaxies in the coma cluster are totally inconsistent with their expected mass.

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The Accelerated Physics Podcast is a production of the Pasayten Institute, whose mission is to build and share physics knowledge, without barriers. This podcast aims to serve both students and teachers of physics by injecting ideas, starting conversations. Have any ideas or feedback? Drop us a line:
This show is made possible in part by the Physics Accelerator, whose mission is to support people in the quest to learn mathematics and physics. The Physics Accelerator is a program of the Pasayten Institute. Music today by Particle House. The show is written, editing and produced by me, Sean Downes. Thank you so much for listening.

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