Previous Episode: Master the Art of Feedback

Dr. Janet Pilcher, author of Hardwiring Excellence in Education, wraps up her deep dive into mastering the art of constructive feedback. Joining her on this episode is Jon Malone, the Director and CEO of the Northwestern Illinois Association, to discuss the use of the three to one ratio in providing positive reinforcement while also challenging employees to distribute their high performance. Jon also shares insights into the deliberate and intentional work that must be done before conducting performance conversations. Lastly, Jon explains the creation and implementation of a decision-impact conversation template that employees can initiate with their leaders that allows leaders the opportunity to model the willingness to receive critical feedback around their decisions. Listen now to gain valuable insights and practical strategies on planning for and delivering constructive feedback to achieve positive outcomes.

This episode addresses questions such as: 

How can feedback conversations be utilized to continue building an emotional bank account?What are specific actions leaders can take to prepare for giving effective constructive feedback?How does the decision-impact conversation template empower employees to initiate feedback conversations with their leaders?

Recommended Resources: Hardwiring Excellence in Education: The Nine Principles Framework, Foster Confidence with Constructive Feedback, Master the Art of Feedback, Develop and Apply Standards of Excellence, Vulnerability is at the Heart of Service Excellence