How do leading organizations stay ahead of the curve? Join Dr. Janet Pilcher, author of Hardwiring Excellence in Education, as she delves into the intricacies of strategic planning with Dr. Casey Blochowiak, a Coach Senior Director at Studer Education. As a companion to last week’s high-level overview of strategic planning, this week’s episode dives into crucial aspects like how to form a strong steering committee and the pivotal role of executive leadership throughout the planning process. Listen now to also hear a roleplay between Janet and Casey demonstrating how coaches collaborate with partners to set a clear strategic vision for organizational excellence. 

This episode answers questions such as:

What is the role of coaches in the strategic planning process?How do you select members for the strategic planning team, and what role do they play?How does strategic planning help organizations navigate industry trends and future challenges?

Recommended Resources: Hardwiring Excellence in Education: The Nine Principles Framework, Plan Strategically for SuccessMindfulness and Reflection Practices for Leaders and Teams, Listen to People to Continuously Improve