To have any chance at alleviating the growing number of teacher shortages, traditional and nontraditional institutions responsible for educating teachers have to consider new business models that meet potential teachers where they are in their lives, careers and educational journeys. It’s time for a wholesale rethinking of how we recruit, educate and support teachers for the workforce of the future. Today, Janet shares how she brought this vision to life, and how other leaders can approach innovative solutions to meet people where they are.

This episode answers questions such as:

How do we plan and act differently in higher education? What does it really mean to provide a service that meets peoples' needs?Why should we strive for greater collaboration and flexibility in our education organizations?

Recommended Resources: The Future of Education: Modernizing the Learning Pathways of New Teachers, TeacherReady, Listening to Customer Feedback, & Think Like a Customer

Recommended Podcasts: Transforming TeacherReady & Embracing the Customer Experience