Improvement work in organizations is not easy, but it’s essential for good organizations that strive to be great. Engaging in effective improvement work entails learning the basics of improvement—but also—learning from how others are doing it, as our guest in today’s episode, Tony Bryk, explains. Tony is the ninth president of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and his contributions to improvement science as a whole make him one of the greatest educational professionals of all time. Listen as Tony discusses his newest book, Improvement in Action, where he offers a look at what actions six organizations have taken as they move through improvement work—with advice for leaders ready to commit to this process.


This episode addresses questions, such as:

Why is collaborating with other organizations an essential part of improvement work?What should we keep in mind as we commit to the process of improvement work?What should we be cautious of as we engage in improvement work?


To hear the beginning of Janet's interview with Tony Bryk, listen to episode #87: Improvement to Accelerate Learning - Part 1.

Learn more about Anthony S. Bryk's extensive research influencing continuous improvement in schools across America by reading his books: Trust in Schools: A Core Resource for Improvement, Organizing Schools for Improvement: Lessons from Chicago, Learning to Improve: How America's Schools Can Get Better at Getting Better, and his newest release:Improvement in Action: Advancing Quality in America's Schools.