Would you like to strengthen communication within your organization? Listen along as Dr. Ryan Carpenter of the Estacada School District discusses how he establishes effective two-way communication through his implementation of daily huddles and scorecards. He explains how scorecards drive success and enhance communication while huddles allow teams to build culture, chemistry, and ensure alignment with strategic goals. As communication at all levels is integrated throughout the process of achieving excellence, join us to hear how Dr. Carpenter hardwired this principle into the fabric of the school culture.

This episode addresses questions such as: 

How is a huddle organized and implemented to ensure it is focused and productive?How can daily huddles help your organization meet its strategic vision?What benefits does the scorecard process offer for engaging with stakeholders?

Recommended Resources: Hardwiring Excellence in Education: The Nine Principles FrameworkBuilding Transparency and Trust, Communicate At All Levels, & Team Huddle Agenda Template