Join Dr. Janet Pilcher as she delves into the core principle of leadership accountability from her book, "Hardwiring Excellence in Education." Janet explains that leadership is more than just a title; it's about modeling the right behaviors and fostering ownership within an organization. Listen as she explores the critical role of individual accountability and sheds light on how leaders can inspire self-motivation among employees to create a positive workplace culture. Listen now to learn how fostering accountability creates inspiring workplaces where employees are connected to the organization’s missions and goals.

This episode addresses questions such as:

What role do leaders play in setting the tone for accountability in an organization?How can you distinguish between motivating employees and inspiring them to motivate themselves?How can leaders effectively create a culture where employees feel a sense of ownership for their actions within the organization?

Recommended Resources: Hardwiring Excellence in Education: The Nine Principles FrameworkDevelop Accountability to Develop Leadership, Leading Change with Creative Tension, Using Key Words at Key Times