Can you imagine combining the first day back to school during a pandemic with a raging wildfire threatening students, employees, and the entire community? This is exactly what Estacada School District experienced in September of 2020. As district leaders switched to a crisis response model, people found new and innovative ways to stay connected, make decisions quickly, and cascade information to community members. Listen as Superintendent Ryan Carpenter shares the most important communication tactic in times of crisis.

**Our next new episode will be released on Nov. 1, 2021. In the meantime, please join us at our annual conference, What's Right in Education: Oct 27-28.

This episode answers questions such as:

What role do emotions play in decision-making?How can leaders communicate to keep those they serve informed while displaced?Why is listening to people even more important during a crisis?

Read Superintendent Ryan Carpenter's article: Building Resilience in an Organization

Recommended Resources:  Estacada Continuous Improvement Library, Estacada YouTube Channel, The Four Most Important Questions to Ask When Rounding, Huddle for Critical Outcomes, & Create Resilient Leaders
Recommended Podcasts: How Can We Improve Employee Engagement & Communication?Using Local Culture to Improve the Student Experience, Focus on the Fundamentals to Improve, Define Values to Guide Your Decisions & Bold Leaders, Bold Decisions and Bold Results