Currently, many of us are feeling the strain of change and transition. Doing improvement work in organizations is always important, and in times of disruption, we can’t let this work slip. Improvement work is more important than ever as funding is being cut in many organizations and systems are stressed. In this episode, Dr. Pat Greco joins us to discuss how leaders and their team members can keep an improvement-mindset, despite the challenges of this crisis.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

What are the most important aspects of improvement work leaders should know?Why is investing in your people so important when it comes to improvement work?How do leaders build a team of improvement-focused individuals? 
Recommended Resources: Improvement and Innovation, Where’s the Noise?, Implementing PDSA Cycles, & Benchmarking
Related Podcasts: Creating Cultures of Improvement, Start Talking to People, & Move Forward by Doing the Next Right Thing