How can school districts prioritize amplifying student voice? Join Dr. Janet Pilcher, author of Hardwiring Excellence in Education, as she explores the impact of student feedback with Dr. Candace Pelt-Perez, Superintendent of Central Linn School District, and Celeste Van Cleave, District Business Manager. Together, they discuss the integration of student surveys into short-term improvement cycles, resulting in significant outcomes such as collaborating with students to address school bus safety concerns and expanding cafeteria menu choices. Listen now to learn how the collaboration between students and adults continues to drive positive cultural shifts within Central Linn School District.

This episode answers questions such as:

What role does student input play in the overall strategic planning process? How can results from student surveys be used to identify and implement short term cycles of improvement?How does the partnership between students and adults cultivate trust and goodwill?

Recommended Resources: Hardwiring Excellence in Education: The Nine Principles Framework, Building Bridges: A Superintendent’s Journey to Create a Community-Driven Strategic PlanUsing Student Voice to Help Shape District Plans, Continuous Improvement to Support Students