While we navigate through work and life, we may occasionally find ourselves in over our heads. The harder we try to fight, the deeper we fall. For leaders Dr. Pilcher recommends 4 ways to help your solid performers avoid the quicksand and an additional 3 ways to avoid stepping into the quicksand yourself.  

This episode addresses questions, such as: 

How can we guide our teams to perform and persist during challenging times? What can you do if you’re in over your head, trapped as if you’re stuck in quicksand?  How can you help team members who are having trouble?   

Don't Fall in the Quicksand is the fourth episode in a series describing the performance curve and performance conversations, beginning with Ep. #16 High Performers: Who Are They?

Recommended Reading: Helping a Coworker Who’s Stressed Out by: Liane Davey 

Recommended Learning: Low Solid Performer Support & Low Solid Performer Conversation Guide 
