Dale Shaver returns from epsiode #151 to share the biggest challenges their data reveal and key takeaways for all leaders willing to collaborate to find creative solutions to community wide problems. Waukesha County Government was no stranger to partnering with schools, however, this pandemic brought about an opportunity Dale refers to as, "Snow days on steroids." Through their collaborative community effort, Waukesha County has safely returned students to in-person learning and put 13 thousand people back to work.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

What does it mean for an organization to think outside of its swim lane?Why does a consistent meeting cadance impact trust? How can we work in collaboration across our communities to solve problems? 

Recommended Resources: Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in K12 Schools, CDC Says it's Safe to Reopen Schools - with Proper PrecautionsMeasuring What Matters, & Plan Strategically to Make a Lasting Impact
Recommended Podcasts: Monitoring Covid Transmission in Schools Part 1, Focus on the Positive, Empower and Invest in Your Teams, Make Silos Disappear & Stop the Subconscious Behavior Infecting Your  Organization