Some topics are easier to approach in the workplace than others. Conflicting issues and viewpoints often leave leaders stuck between a rock and a hard place. Discussing topics like diversity and inclusion can feel risky for leaders who don't know how their teams will react. With these leaders in mind, Dr. Gayle Juneau Butler and Dr. Janet Pilcher collaborated to develop a 3-stage framework to have positive, inclusive conversations. Listen as Gayle joins Janet to walk us through that approach.

This episode addresses questions, such as:

What is the biggest barrier for leaders who are trying to address conflicting issues and viewpoints in the workplace?How do we create a space people can trust and engage within? What communication tactics can we use to approach inclusive conversations? 

Recommended Resources: Valuing All Voices, Connections in Times of Challenge, Key Words at Key Times for Resilient Leaders & How to Talk with Your Team About the Violence at the U.S. Capitol
Recommended Podcasts: Employees are Waiting to Hear from You, The Little Things Pay Great Dividends, Connecting to Purpose Gives Us Courage & Strive for Equity and to Serve the Most Vulnerable