Ralph Barsi is the VP for Global Inside Sales at Tray.io and he joins today's show to discuss Andy's latest book Sell Without Selling Out. The book shows sellers the journey through the buyer's perspective and how to change some salesy behaviors that buyers hate. Andy refers to the value of intentionality in getting buyers closer to a decision and encourages sales leaders to promote creativity and autonomy in their organizations. Andy also discusses the 4 pillars or human skills you need to succeed in sales: connection, curiosity, understanding, and generosity.


Sell Without Selling Out: Be in your buyer's shoes

Being intentional increases your odds of success

Sales leaders must encourage autonomy and initiative

4 Pillars: Connection, Curiosity, Understanding, and Generosity

The difference between good and bad sellers is very small

Andy: "It requires intentionality to do it well. You have to be intentional about self-assessing. You have to be pragmatic about it. You have to be intentional about every interaction you have with a buyer about what is the value I'm going to provide to them in this interaction is going to help them move closer to making a decision."
Andy: "More sales leaders should step up to allow their people this autonomy. In fact, the science is pretty clear that when you give humans more agency over the choices they make, they're going to be more creative and productive and innovative in how they get the job done."
Andy: "Two things. One, that works both for you as a seller, right? If you're trying to understand what you're doing as a seller, try to change it. Same applies to your buyers. If you're truly trying to understand what's most important to your buyer and help your buyer understand what's most important to them, try to change what they're doing."
Andy: "I really don't think that there's good sellers and bad sellers. I think there are people that think and who are thoughtful about things and those who don't. The differences are really small between what you might consider a good seller and a bad seller. And so, everybody has this capability of making that transition. It's small things that make a difference."

Find out more about Ralph in the link below:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralphbarsi/

More on Andy:
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Get Andy's new book "Sell Without Selling Out" on Amazon
Learn more at AndyPaul.com

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Ralph Barsi is the VP for Global Inside Sales at Tray.io and he joins today's show to discuss Andy's latest book Sell Without Selling Out. The book shows sellers the journey through the buyer's perspective and how to change some salesy behaviors that buyers hate. Andy refers to the value of intentionality in getting buyers closer to a decision and encourages sales leaders to promote creativity and autonomy in their organizations. Andy also discusses the 4 pillars or human skills you need to succeed in sales: connection, curiosity, understanding, and generosity.


Sell Without Selling Out: Be in your buyer's shoes
Being intentional increases your odds of success
Sales leaders must encourage autonomy and initiative
4 Pillars: Connection, Curiosity, Understanding, and Generosity
The difference between good and bad sellers is very small


Andy: "It requires intentionality to do it well. You have to be intentional about self-assessing. You have to be pragmatic about it. You have to be intentional about every interaction you have with a buyer about what is the value I'm going to provide to them in this interaction is going to help them move closer to making a decision."

Andy: "More sales leaders should step up to allow their people this autonomy. In fact, the science is pretty clear that when you give humans more agency over the choices they make, they're going to be more creative and productive and innovative in how they get the job done."

Andy: "Two things. One, that works both for you as a seller, right? If you're trying to understand what you're doing as a seller, try to change it. Same applies to your buyers. If you're truly trying to understand what's most important to your buyer and help your buyer understand what's most important to them, try to change what they're doing."

Andy: "I really don't think that there's good sellers and bad sellers. I think there are people that think and who are thoughtful about things and those who don't. The differences are really small between what you might consider a good seller and a bad seller. And so, everybody has this capability of making that transition. It's small things that make a difference."

Find out more about Ralph in the link below:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ralphbarsi/

More on Andy:

Connect on LinkedIn

Get Andy's new book "Sell Without Selling Out" on Amazon

Learn more at AndyPaul.com

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Revenue.io | Unlock exponential growth with an AI-powered RevOps platform | Revenue.io

Scratchpad | The fastest way to update Salesforce, take sales notes, and stay on top of to-dos | Scratchpad.com

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Sales Enablement Podcast

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Selling with Purpose Podcast