Tim Hughes is the author of Social Selling: Techniques to Influence Buyers and Changemakers. Even though brands can have truly massive followings, it is the individuals within the companies who draw in clients. Tim discusses how sellers can leverage social media to generate leads and meetings by creating a buyer-centric profile, expanding digital territory, and creating content. He details how to present your LinkedIn profile to achieve this goal and how your digital territory is expanded through conversations. In terms of your content, post who you are and allow buyers to get to know you and what you stand for to create that connection.


Social media should generate leads and meetings

Crafting a buyer-centric profile on LinkedIn

Create conversations to increase digital territory

The content you post is a reflection of your values 

Tim: "We see social media as being able to give you two things. The first thing it should be giving you leads and meetings. The way that you go about your work on social media should be strategic. Everything you do, everything you post, everything, that comment that you write is to drive you to get leads or meetings."
Tim: "If your people aren't empowered and aren't prepared to be able to get those sort of things, that's the sort of level of money that you're leaving on the table. And that's going to your competition."
Tim: "All the research shows that people come to social media to be social and it's about striking at that conversation and, to grow your digital network, that's what you got to do, you've got to have conversations."
Tim: "What you post is who you are, and what you need to be doing is that you need to be encouraging, you need to be insightful, you need to be interesting. Even better still, entertaining."

Find out more about Tim and get his book in the links below:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothyhughessocialselling/

Amazon book link: https://www.amazon.com/Social-Selling-Techniques-Influence-Changemakers/dp/0749478012

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Tim Hughes is the author of Social Selling: Techniques to Influence Buyers and Changemakers. Even though brands can have truly massive followings, it is the individuals within the companies who draw in clients. Tim discusses how sellers can leverage social media to generate leads and meetings by creating a buyer-centric profile, expanding digital territory, and creating content. He details how to present your LinkedIn profile to achieve this goal and how your digital territory is expanded through conversations. In terms of your content, post who you are and allow buyers to get to know you and what you stand for to create that connection.


Social media should generate leads and meetings
Crafting a buyer-centric profile on LinkedIn
Create conversations to increase digital territory
The content you post is a reflection of your values 


Tim: "We see social media as being able to give you two things. The first thing it should be giving you leads and meetings. The way that you go about your work on social media should be strategic. Everything you do, everything you post, everything, that comment that you write is to drive you to get leads or meetings."

Tim: "If your people aren't empowered and aren't prepared to be able to get those sort of things, that's the sort of level of money that you're leaving on the table. And that's going to your competition."

Tim: "All the research shows that people come to social media to be social and it's about striking at that conversation and, to grow your digital network, that's what you got to do, you've got to have conversations."

Tim: "What you post is who you are, and what you need to be doing is that you need to be encouraging, you need to be insightful, you need to be interesting. Even better still, entertaining."

Find out more about Tim and get his book in the links below:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timothyhughessocialselling/

Amazon book link: https://www.amazon.com/Social-Selling-Techniques-Influence-Changemakers/dp/0749478012

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Revenue.io | Unlock exponential growth with an AI-powered RevOps platform | Revenue.io

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Sales Enablement Podcast

RevOps Podcast

Selling with Purpose Podcast