Guided meditation by Viola Hug: Making decisions and taking aligned leaps.Making decisions from aligned places and trusting yourself is so KEY. When we make decisions to invest, or even to create, that aren’t right for us we can feel buyers remorse, unsure, frustrated, and like we have to push to make things work. When a decision or idea IS aligned but we doubt ourselves and don’t fully trust the soul guidance out of fear we aren’t ready, we aren’t good enough, or any other fears that may arise, we also don’t fully step into ownership of the decision, therefore don’t fully receive from it. When we feel guided towards something and receive the soul YES and take that aligned leap in full trust, we set ourselves up for greater soul connection and receiving from that place. And that place is filled with abundance, love, and light!!If you’re contemplating a decision or looking for your next best step, I created this for you!Aligned Leaps: A guided meditation to feel into the energy of a decision you’re contemplating, and to support you in saying an empowered no or an aligned yes. Free for you to enjoy, whenever you desire!Find it on YouTube here:

Guided meditation by Viola Hug: Making decisions and taking aligned leaps.

Making decisions from aligned places and trusting yourself is so KEY.

When we make decisions to invest, or even to create, that aren’t right for us we can feel buyers remorse, unsure, frustrated, and like we have to push to make things work.

When a decision or idea IS aligned but we doubt ourselves and don’t fully trust the soul guidance out of fear we aren’t ready, we aren’t good enough, or any other fears that may arise, we also don’t fully step into ownership of the decision, therefore don’t fully receive from it.

When we feel guided towards something and receive the soul YES and take that aligned leap in full trust, we set ourselves up for greater soul connection and receiving from that place. And that place is filled with abundance, love, and light!!

If you’re contemplating a decision or looking for your next best step, I created this for you!

Aligned Leaps: A guided meditation to feel into the energy of a decision you’re contemplating, and to support you in saying an empowered no or an aligned yes. Free for you to enjoy, whenever you desire!

Find it on YouTube here: